7 Steps Of Spiritual Intelligence [RARE BOOKS]
Spiritual wisdom is a practical concept which can be used in all aspects of daily life. Richard Bowell introduces the concept of spiritual intelligence in 7 practical steps - awareness, meaning, evaluation, being centred, vision, projection and mission. From Shakespeare and Blake to Ralph Waldo Emerson; from Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo to Beethoven and Mozart; from Einstein to Ghandi, from Mother Theresa to Nelson Mandela, from Steven Covey to Deepak Chopra, the great names past and present have all been resounding to and evolving the same higher truth - the development of spiritual intelligence. Through the seven steps presented in this book we discover how to shift our intelligence patterns into a new kind of intelligence of "higher meaning" that develops the practical patterns of personal growth and leadership, effectiveness and wisdom. These seven steps provide a training for the future, for business and commerce, education and medicine, for daily life, for the individual, the family and for organizations.